Monthly Archives: December 2013





  1. 豆腐模具:盒子和纱布 (淘宝链接)
  2. 干豆子:500g
  3. 料理机,用于打碎豆子,非加热的
  4. 煮开豆浆的锅
  5. 白醋:50毫升


  1. 干豆子放入水中泡发一晚,至少8小时
  2. 浸水的豆子,倒掉水分,用料理机打成豆浆。1斤豆子大约用10斤水,8斤打浆,2斤冷却。没有溶在水中的,可以加水再单独打几次,我比较偷懒,剩得渣滓多了一些
  3. 用纱布过滤一下打出来的豆浆,不要太用力,把纱布撑破了,就赔了…
  4. 过滤好的豆浆,煮沸关火(锅得够大呀)
  5. 加入2斤冷水,大约到80度(锅还是得够大呀)


  1. 50毫升白醋用250毫升水稀释
  2. 用勺子将稀释的白醋分3-5次慢慢搅拌着放到豆浆锅里
  3. 几分钟以后豆花就出来了
  4. 开火,加热1-2分钟,让豆花充分凝结
  5. 把豆花从水中过滤出来


  1. 把准备好的纱布铺在盒子里å
  2. 豆花倒入盒子中
  3. 盖上盖子,压一阵子,就好了




  1. 奶油奶酪(Cream Cheese): Kraft Original Philadelphia(Family Pack, 300g)
  2. 酸奶: Tine Yogurt Vanilje(500g) 250g
  3. 牛奶: 全脂,50ml
  4. 鸡蛋: 5个,分成蛋黄和蛋白
  5. 面粉:75g
  6. 糖:150g
  7. 香草糖:2小勺
  8. 黄油:50g
  9. 消化饼干:Bixit Søt Havrekjeks(300g) 120g


  1. 把饼干放入塑料袋(我用的是IKEA的ISTAD的可以封口的袋子)中,用擀面杖把饼干碾碎;
  2. 小火把黄油溶化,然后放入饼干渣,搅拌
  3. 把饼干渣倒入10寸盘中,用勺子把饼干铺平,轧实
  4. 容器一:奶油奶酪、酸奶、牛奶放在一起,用搅拌机打匀
  5. 加入蛋黄,打匀
  6. 加入面粉,打匀
  7. 容器二:蛋白加三分之一的糖,用搅拌机打匀
  8. 加入三分之一的糖,用搅拌机打匀
  9. 加入最后三分之一的糖,以及两小勺香草糖,用搅拌机打匀
  10. 将三分之一的蛋白糖液倒入容器一,用橡皮刮刀搅拌(不要转圈搅)
  11. 将容器一中的全部倒入容器二,用橡皮刮刀搅拌
  12. 将容器二中的全部倒入10寸盘
  13. 烤箱中,烤盘中放入冷水大约深2-3厘米,然后在上面放一个架子,再放10寸盘
  14. 预热到170摄氏度,烤60-70分钟左右即可
  15. 拿出来放凉以后,放入冰箱冷藏几个小时或者隔夜,即可食用


The snapshot of Qt5 env at the time a commit was merged by CI

For example, I am reading Gunnar Sletta’s blog, New Scene Graph Renderer.

I guess the change is b480fa83, it’s already merged in stable(5.2.x). After talked with Gunnar, he mentioned that the result in lastest stable is perhaps very different with the blog, because there was another big change, v4, also already in stable.

I think I need to have the environment to reproduce the “scene” at that commit, b480fa83.

First, I had a look at the status of that change.

In the dependencies part, I found:

qtdeclarative depends on qtbase and qtxmlpatterns repo. For this example, just in case, we have an explicit sha1 in qtbase. It’s uncommon. Normally it’s just like the case for qtxmlpatterns, an empty string.

Next, the change in is this.

I found the latest information when that change was integrated, QtDeclarative_dev_Integration #719: SUCCESS.

In Qt CI results, the results for QtDeclarative_dev_Integration #719, I chose macx-clang_developer-build_OSX_10.8, then I am in this page.

Searching qtbase, you could find some information like:

I think I know what I should do for qtbase and qtxmlpatterns.

Now I could have a shadow build and play with it.