I had never heard about it before. And I got the invitation from a colleague on Dec. 24 last year. And I created my account on Jan. 9, 2015. It’s a good game, at least it’s one of passions to go out for me.
This morning, I got level 8. The only thing which I still want to try is to create a huge field.
During this period, a bit more than 2 months, I used 3 phones, iPhone 5/LG Nexus 5/Huawei Ascend P7, the experiense order is iPhone 5/Huawei Ascend P7/LG Nexus 5. One is because GPS sensor, another is Nexus 5 always lost mobile signal when playing…
There are some crazy people, they drive car to do the game, even 2:30 am at night…, and there is a family of Ingress players, the couple should be level 9 and level 8, and they have a daughter with level 7…
If you want to have a try with it, I could send invitation to you. BTW, I am in Resistance faction, the blue one.
I just read a few blogs which talked about the alternatives. Then just a few days ago, one of my friend told me there are inoreader and CommaFeed. And found this article, jasonwryan.com: Replacing Google Reader.
CommaFeed is an opensource solution(Note: it’s in maintenance when I started to write this blog), source code is on github.
Go to OpenShift: Get Started, then click “WEB”, a bit down, clike “Open the Console and Create an Application”, in “Mangement Console” page, click “Create Application”, find “JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.0”, and install it, you need to set the “Public URL”, for example: http://mygooglereader-enjoylife.rhcloud.com , click “Create Application”.
You can add a public ssh key in next page.
(Note: I am not sure how much I will pay for that service based on “JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6.0 is based on a premium cartridge. It costs an additional $0.03 per gear hour after the first 3 gears.”)
Install mysql 5.1
Back to OpenShift: Get Started, click “COMMAND LINE”, follow the steps in “Install the client tools on:”, for me, it’s “Mac OS X”. Then “Setup your enviroment”, command is “rhc setup”, there it will help you to create a ssh key and set up it. “rhc add-cartridge mysql-5.1 –app mygooglereader” will help you install mysql into the application. Please remember to keep the secret information like root username, password and etc.
You can goto Your Own Google Reader, use the default user “admin” and password “admin” to login, change the password and create your own account.
Apply Goolge client ID and etc
Go to Google Code: API Console, create project, and click “API Access”, click “Create an OAuth 2.0 client ID…”. In the popup, input “Product name: mygooglereader”, “Home Page URL: http://mygooglereader-enjoylife.rhcloud.com”, click “Next” button, Then “Create client ID” button.
Then “Edit settings…”, in “Edit client settings” popup, “Authorized Redirect URIs” is “http://mygooglereader-enjoylife.rhcloud.com/google/import/callback”, “Authorized JavaScript Origins” is “http://mygooglereader-enjoylife.rhcloud.com”, click “Update” button. And found “Client ID” and “Client secret”.
Application settings in CommdFeed
Go to Your Own Google Reader, use “admin” to login. Then go to Settings page, set “Public URL” to “http://mygooglereader-enjoylife.rhcloud.com”, and also “Google client ID”, “Client secret”. Click “Save”.
Import your subscriptions from Google Reader
Go to Your Own Google Reader, use your own account, click the arrow button near the “Subscribe”, select “Import”. In “Import” popup, click “Google Reader”, then log in your google account, and wait about several minutes. All will be fine.