OS: Windows 7 64bit SP1 (Note: need to have .Net 4 installed)
SDK: Windows SDK 7.1 x86_64 (Note: remember to have “Visual C++ Compilers” and “Debugging Tools for Windows” installed)
Qt Creator: Qt Creator 2.6.2 in qt-windows-opensource-5.0.1-msvc2010_32-x86-offline-2013-01-30-426.exe (Note: I am testing 5.0.1 daily build packages, 5.0.0 release doesn’t ship with .pdb files)
Qt Creator 2.6.2 could detect the compiler and cdb correctly from above environments after installed. What you need to do are only two things:
- Tools->Options->Debugger->CDB, In the Symbol paths field, open the Insert menu and select Symbol Server, just use default value and click OK
- Tools->Options->Debugger->General, in Source Paths Mapping part, click Add, set Source path field to q:\qt5_workdir\w\s and Target path field to C:\Qt\Qt5.0.1\5.0.1\Src
Then you can debug into Qt library in your applications.
- Qt Creator: Setting the Symbol Server in Windows
- QTBUG-29449: Patch paths in Qt debug info when installing
- 9825e5649ced2bf81310bd650601bd94c78f9d32 in qtcreator 2.7 branch temporarily fixed this issue
thanks… but what’s the qt5_workdir supposed to be?
It’s just the real path on the build machine. More info in QTBUG-29449.