SYMBIAN Development Environment – 1

SYMBIAN Development Environment (1)

Platform: Windows XP Pro(SP3)

1. Software Packages

For downloading the packages, you need to register an account in the forum of Nokia,

1-1. Carbide.C++

Carbide.C++ 1.3
Carbide.c++_v1.3.exe 185MB

1-2. S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for C++

S60 Platform SDKs for Symbian OS, for C++, 3rd Edition, Feature Package 2(FP2) 438MB

1-3. Open C/C++ Plug-ins for S60 3rd Edition 41.3MB

2. Installation

Please install above 3 packages as default path.

Installation order: Carbide.C++, S60 SDK, Plugin.

After Carbide.C++, you may need to install ActivePerl-

3. Emulator
Start->S60 Developer Tools->Emulator

4. Try first example application for S60

Run Carbide.C++ 1.3
Start->Carbide.c++ v1.3->Carbide.c++ v1.3

In the welcome page, you could click “Tutorials”->”Create an application emulator debug example”, and follow this tutorial to build your first example application for S60.

(Info: If the welcome page takes all space of the workspace in Carbide.c++, it makes you can’t find the project tree and other things, PLEASE CLICK “Restore” OPTION IN THE TOP-RIGHT CORNER OF THE WELCOME PAGE!)

Follow above steps to create your project, but if you can’t see any template in “New Symbian OS C++ Project” dialog when you enable “Filter templates based on enabled SDKs”, it means Carbide.c++ doesn’t find the SDK which you had installed. Then please cancel the dialog.

In the main menu of Carbide.c++, Window->Preferences->Carbide.c++->SDK Preferences, you will find out there is nothing in the “Available Symbian OS SDKs”. Please click “Add New SDK”, in the “Add New SDK” dialog, SDK ID: should be “S60_3rd_FP2_SDK”, EPOCROOT: should be “C:S60devicesS60_3rd_FP2_SDK”, Vendor: should be “”, Is Default: should be “yes”. Then click “OK” on it. Click “Rescan All SDKs” and “OK”.

Now you can return to your project.

Follow the tutorial, you could run the application in the emulator, in my case the emulator path should be: C:S60devicesS60_3rd_FP2_SDKepoc32releasewinscwudebepoc.exe

Why not try it on your phone?

Copy C:SymbianCarbideworkspaceOroboroussisOroborous_S60_3_X_v_1_0_0.sisx to your phone via usd disk mode. Install it and run it.

If you got some errors like that “Certificate error. Contact the application supplier.”, you need to set your phone like this:
Installations->App. mgr.->Options->Settings, choose “All” for “Software installation”.

Then all should be ok.

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6 thoughts on “SYMBIAN Development Environment – 1

  1. Eagle


  2. Anonymous

    齐亮老大: 你好! 我是QT4的自学者,目前在180MHZ的9200平台上跑QT4.4。目前有个问题实在是在网络上找不到帮助,才向您求助。敬请指教!我用QT4做的界面里有QTabWidget和几个按钮,每个Tab里有好多设置项与显示项。显示屏采用的是元太7寸屏,芯片是s1d13506,界面在运行时速度特慢,要2秒才能完成切换tab,如果加上css样式表就更慢了。我在安装QT4.4时的配置如下./configure –prefix=/opt/qt-embedded-linux-opensource-src-4.4.0-arm -v -little-endian -embedded arm –debug -qt-mouse-linuxtp -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++这个硬件平台在运行qt2.3.7+qtopia1.7.0时反应速度还是可以。实在想不出这到底是什么原因导致的速度奇慢!是配置的原因?开源版的原因?在qtcn.org里有网友说他用500Mhz的s3c2440跑QT4.4速度也是奇慢。请齐大侠指教!我的邮箱是

  3. 享受生活 - Enjoy life

    180MHz的太慢了吧但是500还慢的话,建议自己写驱动接口了。我也很久没玩Qt Embedded for Linux了。

  4. Anonymous

    你好齐亮老大,我在汉化完qtopia-opensource-4.2.3后在qvfb上运行qpe仍然是英文界面不知道是那里出错了请帮忙解决一下!!!!!!以下是我的汉化步骤:1)解压qtopia-opensource-4.2.3包后在i18n建立zh_CN目录2)在zh_CN目录下新建.directory文件,内容如下:[Translation]File=QtopiaI18NContext=Chinese(zh_CN)[Desktop Entry]Name[]=Chinese(zh_CN)3)运行./configure 并在里面加上了”-languages zh_CN”一项4)make5)make lupdate6)make install在出来的结果的/image/i18n/zh_CN也有好多*.qm文件,在build/i18n/zh_CN中也有好多*.ts文件。但是结果为什么还是英文界面呢?很是困惑谢谢你的帮助!!可否将解决方法发到我的邮件xby841221@sina.com再次感谢!


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