Tag Archives: Mac OS X

Build Qt 4.7 with Symbian^3 on Linux and Mac OS X

Similar steps as previous blog.

Here I will only mention the difference between them:

1. Qt 4.7, please wait a while for the merging of 7c499bcfbf7f9c52b3d6523fea8396bd4ab7252e.

git checkout -b 4.7 origin/4.7

2. You could enable the webkit which is inside of 4.7, then the configure line should be like:

~/qt/qt/configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -xplatform symbian-gcce -webkit -fast -silent -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tools -nomake tests -qtlibinfix _liang

And for QtWebKit package:

cd ~/build/s3_gcce/src/3rdparty/webkit/WebCore
make sis
copy ~/build/s3_gcce/lib/QtWebKit_liang.sis toyourphone

For the demo browser application:

cd ~/qt/work/demos/embedded/anomaly
make sis
copy anomaly.sis toyourphone

3. Install the above Qt_liang.sis, QtWebKit_liang.sis, analogclock.sis and anomaly.sis, and enjoy them.

Launch it at “QtExamples”->”analogclock”.
Launch it at “QtDemos”->”anomaly”.

Build Qt 4.8 with Symbian^3 on Linux and Mac OS X

Build Qt 4.8 with Symbian^3 on Linux and Mac OS X

Kudos to Kristian Amlie and Thomas Zander for the “make file build system”.

1. OS:

Linux – mine is 2.6.38-8-generic x86_64
Mac OS X – mine is 10.6.8 64bit

2. Symbian^3

NOTE: Looks like Qt is still not the 1st-priority citizen in the Symbian^3 SDKs world, the reason why I say like that is this task, it means that you cannot use any version of Symbian^3 (public) SDKs to build Qt libraries from source. Details in the comment. Then we use the Symbian^3 PDK 3.0.4 for now. I am not sure how long this mirror service will be available there, you’d better backup those files by yourself.

Symbian^3 PDK 3.0.4

Please download binaries_armv5_lib.7z.zip, binaries_armv5_udeb.7z.zip, binaries_armv5_urel.7z.zip, binaries_epoc.7z.zip, binaries_epoc_sdk.7z.zip, binaries_prebuilt.7z.zip, tools_epoc.7z.zip at least.

cd ~
mkdir -p symbian-sdks/pdk304
cd symbian-sdks/pdk304
7z x abovefiles
export EPOCROOT=~/symbian-sdks/pdk304/ //set env for EPOCROOT

The patch for Symbian^3 PDK 3.0.4 is here.

3. Wine

NOTE: The reason for installing wine is we are using the Symbian tools build on Windows, such as rcomp, makesis and many others.

Linux(Debian/Ubuntu): sudo apt-get install wine1.2
Mac OS X: Install wine 1.1.44, and upgrade it to 1.2

Add wine into path
export PATH=/Applications/Wine.app/Contents/Resources/bin:$PATH //for Mac OS X

4. Compilers:

Linux: RVCT 2.2(need commercial license) or GCCE 4.4.1(Symbian ADT Sourcery G++ Lite 4.4-172 for ARM SymbianOS)
Mac OS X: GCCE 4.4.1(Symbian ADT Sourcery G++ Lite 4.4-172 for ARM SymbianOS), after installed to default path, mv /Applications/CodeSourcery/Sourcery G++ Lite/ /Applications/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite. NOTE: need to remove those spaces in the path of compiler

Add compiler path into PATH:
export PATH=/Applications/CodeSourcery/Sourcery_G++_Lite/bin:$PATH

5. Qt 4.8

NOTE: better to use ea7ed6b27301a4834b1bfe0ad4e6e58462647d3e and later.

cd ~
mkdir qt
git clone -n git://gitorious.org/qt/qt.git qt
cd qt
git checkout -b 4.8 origin/4.8

6. Build it

cd ~
mkdir build
cd build
mkdir s3_gcce // this is for the GCCE case, or s3_armcc for RVCT 2.2 case
cd s3_gcce
~/qt/qt/configure -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license -xplatform symbian-gcce -no-webkit -fast -silent -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tools -nomake tests -qtlibinfix _liang // this is for GCCE case, or “-xplatform symbian-armcc” for RVCT 2.2 case
make -j8 // maybe fail at somewhere, then just try “cd src;make -j1” finish it
cd src/s60installs
make sis
cd ~/build/s3_gcce/lib
cp Qt_liang.sis toyourphone
cd ~/qt/qt/examples/widgets/analogclock
make sis
copy analogclock.sis toyourphone

7. Install your own build Qt libraries and application

Goto “Office”->”File Manager”, manually install Qt_liang.sis and analogclock.sis

8. Run your appliation

Launch it at “QtExamples”->”analogclock”. Enjoy it!

Known issues or other topics:
1. There is still some issue to build qtwebkit which the one inside of qt 4.8 or from qtwebkit git repo directly. If I got solution, I will let you know.
2. Mabye write something about runonphone on Linux and Mac OS X, it is a very good tool to test qt applications.

体会了一下Snow Leopard的一个开发bug

终于在公司搞到了一台旧的iMac 5.1, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz/ 2G DDR2 667 MHz。

装上了Snow Leopard和官方发布的Qt 4.7.0 Beta 2Qt Creator 2.1快照版,想debug进Qt库,竟然不成,咨询了公司内外的Mac开发朋友,原来我遇到了Apple的bug。

DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX=_debug makes application crash on Mac OS X – Snow Leopard
DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX causing havoc on Mac OS X Snow Leopard

而且变态的Apple自己的bug tracker还是封闭的,只有号码,看不到具体情况。


cd /usr/lib
sudo mv libSystem.B_debug.dylib libSystem.B_debug.dylib.bak
sudo mv libmx.A_debug.dylib libmx.A_debug.dylib.bak


BTW,学习了OS X下的ldd就是otool

Technical Note TN2124: Mac OS X Debugging Magic

2010年7月30日注:升级到XCode 3.2.3后,依然崩溃。




Sigh,也许这是Blizaard开发StarCraft II的一个主要原因?

问题解决了,一是要用Mac OS X的Installer,二是要升级。
Blizzard Releases OS X Starcraft Installer
StarCraft Patch 1.161